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NEW! - Hot dipped galvanized finish
The steel products displayed on this thumbnail page are now available
with a corrosion resistant finish applied to the steel after fabrication.
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Hot Dipped Galvanizing Corrosion Protection with Zinc

Steel used to construct buildings, equipment, ornamental iron, bolts,
nuts and other small parts requires corrosion protection. The proven
effectiveness of zinc in controlling corrosion makes it an ideal choice
for protecting structural steel. Hot dipped galvanizing is generally the
most effective method of applying zinc to steel.
Why Galvanizing Works
The excellent corrosion resistance of hot dipped galvanized steel is due
to the two fold nature of the coating. The zinc coating provides barrier
and cathodic protection to the underlying steel surface.
During the Galvanizing process, steel reacts with molten zinc to form
a series of zinc-iron alloy layers which, together with the outer zinc
layer, are metallurgically bonded to the steel surface. The resulting
barrier coating has a very low corrosion rate (Figure 1) and, because
of the hard alloy layers, is highly resistant to mechanical damage.
Galvanized steel is much less susceptible to coating damage from
handling than is painted steel.
As the name implies, hot dipped galvanizing requires complete immersion
of the work piece in molten zinc. This process ensures a uniform coating
on all surfaces, even on those areas not normally accessible to mechan-
ical applicators.
Zinc corrodes preferentially to steel and provides cathodic protection to
areas of bare steel (up to 1/4 inch wide) accidentally exposed in service.
The sacrificial nature of zinc prevents the steel from corroding adjacent
to the galvanized coating, thus preventing undercutting and blistering of
the protective film. In comparison, exposed steel on painted surfaces
will corrode immediately. The resulting rust occupies several times the
volume of steel from which it was formed, causing the lifting and
subsequent flaking of the adjacent paint film (Figure 2).
During galvanizing, molten
zinc reacts with the surface of
the base material to form
a series of zinc/iron alloys
that provide an inner layer of
protection against corrosion.